Thursday 7 January 2010

Funkey Webley

Webleys game is called Fly Catcher, which is a game all about catching flies (dur, obviously! mmmmm... yummy flies!... eeeeew!)

Webleys prize is a web shooter (durversley!) it helps you across a broken bridge by shooting webs to make a web bridge. There is an orb on the middle of the bridge, walk over the web bridge and pick up the orb and take it to the top of the volcano. Put the orb in a gate. You will need four orbs in total to open the gate to see the Pineapple King.

The Pineapple King is the boss of the natives, as you know, you need to take a golden pineapple to him before he will talk to you, because he will not talk to you without a gift.

When you click on the Pineapple King with the golden pineapple, the Funkiki level will be completed, and you will see some clips. You will them be able to go into the shop, and not be robbed by the natives. You spend coconuts in the shop there instead of coins.

I only need one more orb to get past the gate! I get the orb from Flurry's game, which I will talk about in my next post.

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