Thursday 7 January 2010

Funkey Ptep

Ptep is a mummy funkey, in that I mean an Egyptian mummy wrapped in bandages, and not a mummy as in your mum!

Ptep game is called pyramid puzzler, and you have to remember where each item are hidden inside each casket.

When you get Ptep's magic eye, you get to keep your 'eye' on the one you have just opened, which can help.

If you win the game you get a mystic hoop, which helps you defeat Goya. If you get all four mystic hoops, along with some charms from other lands you can make a dream catcher.

Ptep lives in Nightmare Rift along with Vlurp. His home is a called Ptep Pyramid.

In Daydream Oasis, Dolly is the robber, and you can defeat her with one mystic hoop. However you need two mystic hoop to defeat Goya. You can keep the other mystic hoop. You can get two rewards for defeating them - a rainbow charm and a nightmare circle.

Funkey Vlurp

Vlurp is a weird funkey because he is actually a vampire.

His game is called Perplexing Paths. You jump on stones and mushy red things which disappear once you have jumped on them. If you jump on a green mushy thing they will turn red, which lets you jump on it one more time. A stone with a tree will transport you to the other stone with a tree. But the trees do trick you, for example you are collecting plant post, but then a tree is in your way, you have no choice but to jump on it, you are transported to the other tree, but the path back to collect more pots has gone, or the path to the rift door has gone. The trees are usually on red rocks so they can only be used once.

The idea of the game is to collect items on each level and get through a rift door in a certain time, and before the sun comes up.

Vlurp lives in Nightmare Rift at the Vlurp Keep. Nightmare Rift is in a Funkeys nightmare!
When you hear a roar in Nightmare Rift, and see a funkey that you have not seen before, this would be Goya who will rob you of your coins.

Goya's game is a switching cups game, which is so fast you cannot follow the cup with the coin under. If you win you get 10 coins, if Goya (pooh, smelly breath! it looks real for just an image!) wins he gets 5 coins.

Funkey Nibble

Nibble is a shark Funkey because he lives on a pier at the docks of Funkiki Island. His game is called Pearl Diver where you have to dive for pearls, while scaring the fish to earn points.
Beware of some types of seal life like octopus and crabs as these will make you lose a life. There also water tornadoes that will suck you in and lose a life. They are not called whirlpools.

You can collect some items like sea shells and star fish to get some help, like stopping the game timer and making you imune to the water tornadoes, and etc.

I have won the prize for nibbles game, this is the latest game I have won the prize for. His prize is Nibble's Secret Recipe, which lets you cross some hungry pirannahs by feeding them a secret recipe. You do not need to feed them, but you can walk over them to get to a little island in the sea where you can collect another orb.

Take this orb to the gate with your others.

I forgot to mention that with Flurry's snowman suit, you can wear it to get across the lava to collect an orb sitting on a rock. Take this orb to the gate with the others.

When you finally get the orb gate over, you cannot go into the shop without first giving the Pineapple Kind a golden pineapple and the tribe will still rob you if you have not handed it over.

Funkey Sol

I have two Sols, one is from an adventure pack, and the other didn't.
The one from the adventure pack has slightly different eyes to the other one as they are looking in a different direction.

I have won the prize for Sol's game which is a helio mask, which lets you see in the dark. When you go to a dark tunnel near the broken bridge, you can enter it if you have the mask. Sol will walk through automatically and you will appear at the top of the volcano by the orb gate. then you only need 2 or 3 more orbs to open the gate.

I will talk about nibble in my next post.

Funkey Flurry

Flurry is a snowboarding funkey! He is a snowflake funkey who lives in the snowy mountains of Funkiki Island.

Flurry's game is a snowboarding game, but I can't seem to get his prize. The prize is a snowman suit. How I know the prize is a snowman suit is because I looked it up on U Tube.

Has anyone managed to get Flurry's prize? If so can you give me some tips please?

In my next post I will talk about The Sol's Funkeys.

Funkey Webley

Webleys game is called Fly Catcher, which is a game all about catching flies (dur, obviously! mmmmm... yummy flies!... eeeeew!)

Webleys prize is a web shooter (durversley!) it helps you across a broken bridge by shooting webs to make a web bridge. There is an orb on the middle of the bridge, walk over the web bridge and pick up the orb and take it to the top of the volcano. Put the orb in a gate. You will need four orbs in total to open the gate to see the Pineapple King.

The Pineapple King is the boss of the natives, as you know, you need to take a golden pineapple to him before he will talk to you, because he will not talk to you without a gift.

When you click on the Pineapple King with the golden pineapple, the Funkiki level will be completed, and you will see some clips. You will them be able to go into the shop, and not be robbed by the natives. You spend coconuts in the shop there instead of coins.

I only need one more orb to get past the gate! I get the orb from Flurry's game, which I will talk about in my next post.

Funkey Bones

Bones is a very good funkey because he has a good game called Bones Fishin hole. You have to direct your boat and lower your fishing hook down into the water by a fishes mouth. The hook comes back up automatically, when you catch a fish you earn a point, if you get two fishes you earn bonus points.

Cobwebs are for sale in Bones's market, but they are a rip-off because they are loads of money to buy, but you can buy these cobwebs in another funkey market for one coin.

The funkey that sells cobwebs for one coin is called Webley. He always gives me good bargains each time because I am way friends with him! I got the prize that helps you defeat the bad guys from Webleys game.